Oh Hey Weekend...

8:27 AM

So it's the weekend. FINALLY. Let's say hello to this past week:)

My family is amazing at cooking. Say hello to a Greek Salad, with a homemade Greek dressing and herb braised chicken. YUM. 
Blurry throw back to my time in Venice. A year ago, I was there. It's sad, I just want to go back!

A buck for a clay mask at Walmart? Heck yeah. Don't worry, I totally sent this to Randy and said, "Admit it, you miss me." He'll probably never talk to me again after he sees it;)

This kid and I had an awesome date yesterday that included a stop at Cherry Hill (I go there on my day off. It's fine.) He thinks he's pretty good....;) (Yes, you made the blog David. Congratulations;))

This kid has been gone for 5 months (Oh yeah:)) He's great. Except for the keys dangling off his belt loop. We have to do something about that....;)

That was this week at a glance. 

Linking up:life rearranged

I'm all geared up and ready for this weekend. It's going to include: work, seeing Jonas for the first time in two years (I KNOW RIGHT??), crying at the ballet recital, Father's Day, and much more. Stay tuned!

Happy Friday everyone:)

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