Love Bug

10:54 AM

Friends, I have been a savage.

I haven't taken any pictures for such a long time.

I look at my photo album to know what to blog about - and YIKES. Nothing there.

So here's a quick catch up - and then a bigger and better kick-off.

This weekend held dinner with friends, relaxing, cleaning our house, grocery shopping, heading to Kaysville to spend time with Randy's family and then my family, seeing Bethany perform in the One Act Play festival at Davis (she was absolutely incredible. That girl can act my friends) games with the fam, then Sunday Randy was pretty sick, so I ran over to teach my class and then we lazed around. Some of our Sunday School kids came to say hello which was a party, and then we had friends over in the evening for a treat which was wonderful.

Randy and I have these crazy decisions and it's hard. But I don't want to dwell on these big life changing things that are ahead for us. I want to dwell on FEBRUARY which is one of my favorite months!

I have a cute pillow and a cute sign, and a cute candle holder allll decked out in hearts. I think it's so perfect that we have a month where the major holiday is all about love.

Some people ha-rumph and wrinkle their nose at Valentine's Day. But I happen to love it (and I still loved it when I was single folks!)

So I have officially been bitten by the Love Bug.

And I'm going to be posting about things that I love/definitions of love/stories of love/etc. for the next few weeks.

Get excited.

So today, let's start with something that I talked to my Sunday School class about yesterday.

Our lesson was about learning about our Heavenly Father from the scriptures.

We talked about His characteristics and how to learn more about Him, and how to get to know Him on a personal level.

At the end, I asked the kids to think of a relationship that's very important to them, or one that they wish would be better. I then talked to them about how if they would put their relationship with God FIRST, the other relationships would get better and stronger.

That's why my marriage to Randy works. Because both of us put God first, and know that the other person is going to do the same.

That's real love my friends. I know I come second in Randy's life, because Heavenly Father will always come first. And that's how it should be.

Loving our Heavenly Father, and recognizing His love for us. is the most important love we will have in this life. Because if we love Him, we will try to keep His commandments. And because He loves us perfectly, we can entirely rely and trust in Him.

Happy love month my friends:)

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