The Stocking Exchange

8:48 AM

Reading day started for me at BYU today. That means finals is next week. Now, I realize that most people are finishing up their finals today and heading home for a lovely Christmas break. But starting a week later than everyone in September means I get to stay a week later in December. Which I think I'm fine with...but I'll let you know soon. Anywho I realize now that a post about how to survive finals may be a little late in coming. So instead I'm posting about something else! Get ready for it.....

The Stocking Exchange.

Every year my brother and sisters and I do the Stocking Exchange. This is a sacred ritual that my brother and I started probably when I was five and he was seven. Yes, he's always been a genius. (And has been accepted to law school with scholarships at BYU, Duke, and UCLA. We're waiting to hear from Harvard!) So anyway, here's how it goes.

We wake up early on Christmas morning and read our books that we got the night before. We go upstairs at 7 AM and not a minute earlier, and grab our stockings. We then sort the candy, and trade it. After we properly open the Stocking Exchange with clapping and a gavel. So here are the rules so you can make your own Stocking Exchange:

Big items may not be traded! All non candy items are non-tradeable, gum is not tradeable, and larger candy items like raspberry or orange sticks, or orange chocolate balls, are non-tradeable.
Small candy items are generally traded on a one to one basis, i.e. one cherry Kiss for one Butterfinger Bell.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are generally accepted for a 2-1 ratio instead, i.e. two cherry Kisses for one Reese's Cup.
Milkyway Reindeer or Marshmallow Santas may be traded and generally at least five small candies must be presented for the trade to be acceptable.
Candy Canes are like pennies, can be used to push a trade slightly over the edge but traded by themselves they are worthless.
You may not take advantage of younger children. A witness must approve a trade by a child ages 7 and under to make sure all is fair.
More expensive chocolate, such as Lindt or Ghiradelli, is worth more Hershey or other small candy, generally at least a 2 to 1 ratio depending on sizes
Reese's Trees are worth at least 3 regular Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
All trades are final.
Once the Stocking Exchange is closed, no more trades may take place.

Yeah, my family can be nerdy sometimes. But I just love them:)

Here's a fun little video that reminded me of my family. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. THERE IS SOME SWEARING AND SOME INAPPROPRIATE STATEMENTS. But really it's way funny.

Also, yesterday at our Relief Society Activity my creative roommates made this. They're the greatest:)

Happy Friday everyone, happy end of finals for some and start of finals for others! 

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