
8:53 PM

So tomorrow I'll be posting my whole huge 2012 post about all the memories and things. So today I just wanted to give a short shout out to my best friend in the whole world. He gave his farewell talk today. And he did awesome! He is going to be one amazing missionary. I'm happy I got to spend my last Sunday of 2012 with him and his family and all our friends. Saying goodbye is going to be hard, but after hearing how much he loves the Gospel and how much he wants to share it, I couldn't be more happy for him to go. I can't think of a single thing I would rather have him do for the next two years. Love ya Randy, you're going to be the best missionary in the universe.

I should mention these are NOT from the farewell...they're from the Eagle Court of Honor that happened later that night. I wasn't thinking straight after the farewell (imagine that!) and didn't get pictures. BUT yay for Randy! Also...nice photobomb Sam!

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