I see the light
8:30 AMSo this weekend was good :) I'll give you the general run-down. Friday I got home from school, changed my clothes, and went almost immediately back to the school to practice my song with Bandy. Then we danced for like two hours. It's fine. It was way fun. Then I ran home and changed because I was foul, then off to Juston's house for a party. It was crazy and fun. We danced and sang and listened to music and had arm wrestling and push up contests. I came home tired and happy, only to find a note, flower, and cookies on my doorstep. I still have no idea who did it, if it was a joke or the well-intentioned sweet service that I'm taking it as, but it was nice either way.
Saturday I woke up WAY TOO EARLY and headed to the school. Once there I got to spend six hours with some of my favorite people, dancing. It was a blast. Exhausting, but a blast. Having lunch and talking and laughing with Andra, Bonnie, Syd, Chad, RyLeigh and Randy was so much fun. Letting go of Productions has been hard for me, and I'm so glad Andra knew that this was a way that I could still be connected while slowly letting it go. After dancing I went home and changed, ate some food, and then went right back to sing in the Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Concert that Amanda put on. It was so much fun to be there with everyone, laughing and messing up onstage. I got to sing with my best friend and that was a treat.
Then some stuff happened....I'll spare you the gory details. But Randy and I tried to shake it off and went to Morgan's house. It was a blast hanging out with everyone with the Hunger Games going on in the backyard and talking to Mo's mom about life.
I am going to vent about the bad stuff that happened this weekend, but know that if you're reading this it's NOT about you....at all....in any way, shape or form. So with that being said.
Being a friend means you support someone. You don't just call them when it's convenient for you. You care about their life even if you don't really want to know or don't agree. You treat people with respect and love and you don't pretend you're perfect when you know you're not. Mostly you just don't take your friends for granted or expect them to act a certain way or be kicked out. Basically....