3 Years
5:39 PM
This past year of marriage has been one of my favorites, but it's also had some of the biggest challenges. It's funny how that works out, isn't it?
We went to Yellowstone with my family, did lots of photo shoots, went on tons of walks, spent tons of time with friends, said goodbye to Randy's brother and sent him off to Japan on his mission, Randy got into the business program, he studied hard and has been working tirelessly toward his degree, we found out we were expecting our little boy, I had job changes, lost a job, got a new job while five months pregnant, got diagnosed with gestational diabetes, had our little boy, and have had some of the most major changes of our life.
This year of marriage has been full of challenges, but it's also been the sweetest chapter of our marriage. It makes me tear up as I think about how many times I told Randy how afraid I was of what was ahead, how unsure I felt of our future. He has always been the pillar of faith, reminding me that we will be taken care of, and that there is so much to be grateful for and happy about.
This year of marriage has been full of Randy taking care of me; literally taking care of me when I was pregnant, emotionally taking care of me when I felt lost and afraid, helping our family find direction and make important decisions, and always finding ways to make me smile and laugh even when he was stressed or worried.
I can't imagine going through all these crazy life changes and trials with anyone else. Randy is sincerely the best person that I know, and I am so lucky that I get to do life with him.
Sweet is the only word I can think of to describe our love. It's us being best friends, it's still having the spark and passion we had when we were 17, it's making important decisions and feeling like a team, it's laughing and crying together, and helping each other be better.
I love you, Randy. Happy anniversary.