37 Week Bumpdate

7:55 AM

Symptoms: My feet will still randomly swell some days which isn't super fun. Other than that, just getting comfortable and moving around can be hard!
Sleep: I'm doing OK at sleeping but waking up early every morning, not on purpose, and sometimes needing a lil nap in the afternoon.
Baby is: Looking so good! We have an induction scheduled for the 17th, I'm crossing my fingers he shows up before then, but we will see. I'm currently 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced which my doctor says is great! 
Gender: BABY BOY!
Dad is: So awesome, so willing to make me laugh and go along with all my plans. He did great on his finals and we are totally cool with little man showing up anytime now! 
Mom is craving: Kodiak cakes and PB (diabetes friendly HECK YES). 
Funny things this week: The Jazz Playoffs have been SO fun to watch this year. Randy is OBSESSED. I had my last week going into the office, I get to work from home until this little guy comes which is such a blessing. I was seriously stressed about going to labor in the office and now I don't have to worry! ZARA OPENED which was one of the best days of our lives. Randy and I unanimously decided our date night would be going to Zara and it did not disappoint. So many cute and fun things to shop for there! My sister and brother-in-law graduated from BYU so we had a blast celebrating them as well. It was a really fun week! 

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