6:14 AM
Working on figuring out my college schedule. I'm getting into my major soon so it's starting to become a game of what classes to take when...all of it is stressful and confusing, but I'm so excited for all of these classes! Hello journalism major and art history minor, and hello junior year!
Congratulations to all my Davis High seniors who are graduating today! Makes me remember my graduation: the long lines in the heat, the speeches that I actually really liked, walking around with over 700 other people to get a diploma, the teachers who were smiling and shaking my hands, my best friends and my family all being there to support me. Yeah, that was a good day. Congrats to all you kids graduating today! Good things are coming!
It's summer AKA I never wear shoes. Not on the grass, the sidewalk, or even in the road. And yes my toes are still messed up from ballet. It's fine.
So that's what's up! Now I'm off to work for 10 hours at Cherry Hill...that should be fun right?
Happy last day of school to all my Davis County friends! And happy Friday everyone!
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