To: Mom and Dad
4:44 PMSo March in my family is a special month. It's both of my parents birthdays in the month of March. My parents are honestly the best parents a person could ask for. They are always there for me, they care for me and support me, they provide and protect me, they teach and advise me, and most importantly, they love me and always show me. So here's a birthday shout-out, filled with an example of the great people that my parents are.
So for their birthday, my siblings and I cooked a big lunch for my parents, and then took them to This is the Place Heritage Park for an afternoon of family time. Literally the second we pulled into the parking lot, my car died. So my sweet parents tried to figure out what was wrong, called a towing company, made sure my car would get safely towed back to Kaysville, helped me get all my stuff into their car, drove me back to Provo, helped me unpack my stuff, took me grocery shopping, and got me dinner. On the day that was supposed to be all about them. Yeah, my parents rock. And I know that sometimes (most of the time,) I'm a pain and I take them for granted. But in all honesty, my parents are truly two of the greatest people I know. So happy birthday Mom and Dad, thank you for being the most Christ-like, loving people I know, and the best parents and friends a person could ask for. I love you!!!