What is UP!

8:10 AM

Guys. Finals start next week.


I'm not sure where this semester went.

Spring is going to be filled with working/reporting for 11 news which will CONSUME my life.

Summer will be filled with more working and...

AN INTERNSHIP WITH KSL-TV. I'm pretty happy:) I'll be producing, pitching stories, going into the field to get footage, plus your run of the mill intern duties like logging tape and getting Starbucks. I could not be more excited!

What are your summer plans? I'm hoping to squeeze in some pool time, late movies, lots of music, driving around on warm summer nights, evenings in the city, lots of playing with my friends, time in K-town with my fam bam, a trip to Arizona for Sar Bear's wedding, and a Boston trip to help my brother move in. Looks like a jam-packed, super fun summer!

And then believe it or not, I'll have one semester left before Randy Low gets home. Crazy right?

Today marks 15 months that he has been gone. Some days it seems like a lot more, some days it seems like a lot less. Either way I couldn't be more proud of him!

It's sunny in Provo and today is a good day.
Happy Wednesday everyone!

This song though, and this band.....:)

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