It's Saturday already??

3:41 PM

Holy heavens dear little blog. You are being neglected. It's sad really. But never fear! I will still write whenever I can. Even though I hardly ever have pictures to post because I don't take them :/ I'm sorry dear friends.

Thursday I got to spend time with my family at Cornbelly's Corn Maze at Thanksgiving Point because my sisters are on UEA break! Can I just say, my family is the best:) They seriously can make my stress level go from a million to zero in like two seconds. My family is too fun and I just love spending time with them.

Aren't we so cute?

Oh and I got to ride a mechanical bull. So that was cool:)

I am in the midst of midterms and it is stressss. But I love college so much. I went on SUCH a fun date yesterday. It was awesome. And I did my first radio interview and it should be on air some time soon:) Possibly Monday at 7 AM? Check out BYU Radio at that time to hear it:)

Most of my friends are on missions and they are doing amazing. I love getting letters from them:)

My friends that actually live in this country are doing amazing as well:) They are way too good to me and I just love them.

And my roommates. Goll I'm lucky. Pazookies and dance parties and laughing and drama. Ooooh it's the best:)

Life is good! I don't know how I'm so happy, mostly I'm just a ball of stress. But happy stress! If that's a thing. Anywho. Life is great. Hope yours is too.

Happy Saturday everyone:)

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  1. Ahhh! So fun! Good luck on your midterms lady! and with the rest of school too! found you from a sidebar! (:


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