May the know the rest
7:27 AMHello. May the 4th be with you.....ah never gets old does it!
Anyone who knows me knows that I love Star Wars. Maybe too much....if that's possible that is. I've watched the movies ever since I was little, have too many of the lines memorized, we had the Millennium Falcon and mini action figures to play with, we even had light sabers and a robot that shot disks at you (like the training kids use). Basically Star Wars is a big deal. So if you've never seen Star Wars, go watch them. All of them. NOW.
In honor of this special day, here are a few of my favorite Star Wars quotes. Sad that Cade and Gabe aren't here to read these...but oh well!
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.