Christmas 2015
10:35 AMChristmas 2015 was WONDERFUL. I honestly don't think it could have been any better!
Let's talk about how it all went. (disclaimer* I didn't take very many pictures. Shame on me. That's one of my goals for this year, to find the balance between living in the moment and capturing it!)
Christmas Eve, Randy had to work:( BUT he didn't have to go in for very long and I got to help my mom prep everything, I got to spend time with my sisters, run around and go shopping, and we had a very unfortunate mix-up in the Smith's parking lot (like getting into the wrong car mix-up)
We then headed over to my family Christmas Eve get together which was too fun! Cousins running around, my new niece meeting everyone, and lots of yummy food. Then it was over to Randy's parents house for their Christmas Eve dinner (lamb, turkey, potatoes, gravy, rolls, the works!) We had a blast hanging out with both our families that day.
Christmas Eve night at my parents house meant opening a new book, surprising our parents with matching "thug" PJs, and staying up reading the Christmas story. We finally got to bed, anticipating Santa's arrival!
Christmas morning was with my parents and my siblings, and was amazing. We sang a hymn, read a story, dove into some awesome presents, and Randy and my family nailed my Christmas gifts. It's so fun to watch everyone open their gifts, get excited and happy, know that you made someone else happy. It was wonderful to see my niece laugh, and then sleep through most of Christmas. Quiche, candy, and lots of laughs.
Randy and I then raced over to the Low's house for Christmas morning there, where they were WAY too sweet to us. We really have the best families ever! Pancakes, Japanese omelettes, and video games with all the boys were some highlights. Then it was BACK to my parent's house for Christmas Day Lunch (prime rib, rice, potatoes, green beans, THE WORKS)
We were really well fed this year.
Then, back to the Low family Christmas Day gathering. White Elephant, MORE FOOD (I swear to you I gained six pounds this year) laughs and some wonderful gifts surrounded us.
Randy and I have felt so blessed to have two wonderful families who made our first Christmas together wonderful. I can't even explain how perfect it was to hear my first "Merry Christmas" of the day from my cute husband, still half asleep.
The day after Christmas was more running around between families, hanging out with cousins and playing games, singing songs, and watching movies.
And then Sunday, my beautiful niece was blessed! Lots of people at our house, a delicious soup bar, and a beautiful little girl to celebrate. Hanging out with my cousins was a blast, and we love spending time with my big family.

Randy was worn out LOLZ
This season it's always easy to get caught up in the details. My family has a tradition where we read a scripture each night to count down to Christmas. My mom decides a theme for our family, and then the scriptures all relate to that theme. This year, the theme was courage. On Christmas Eve, we talked about all the courageous things that our family has done this year. Moving far away, college, jobs, marriage, babies. It was really wonderful to reflect on those things, and how the Savior helped us to have the courage to make all these big and important decisions. I couldn't help but think how much courage it to Mary and Joseph to welcome the Son of God into their home. It took Christ courage to take this important first step that would ultimately lead to being away from his Father, and eventually lead to the Atonement and his death. It takes all of us courage to have faith, and to rely on him. Christmas is a wonderful time to think about the gift He gave to us that day. I got to spend some time thinking about Him this year, and I hope you did too.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!