Finishing Out February/Starting March

7:35 PM

The rest of February went by so fast! We had a great extra Leap Day and spent our time celebrating my parent's birthdays (which are in the beginning of March). We surprised my mom at Thanksgiving Point for her birthday and had a blast playing in the butterfly biosphere. Graham has been OBSESSED with taking my phone and snapping pictures. It's absolutely adorable. 
March 8th was International Women's Day and that is SO important to me. It's important as I think about my mom, sisters, sisters-in-law, mother in law, my friends, colleagues, bosses, and the women in history that I so look up to. It's so important to me that Graham understands how important women are to the world and the changes they have made. I know how it feels to see the wage gap. I know how it feels to be discriminated against. I know how it feels to be thought of as less. But I also know how it feels to have colleagues and bosses who want to help me succeed. I know how it feels to have a husband and partner who always encourages and supports me. And I know how it feels to know that my Heavenly Parents are rooting me on. 

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