Coronavirus - March 12 to March 19
8:17 PMCoronavirus has been around since November 2019. It originated in Wuhan China and very quickly began to spread to other areas and countries.
Here in the US, I had heard about it. I thought that it sounded horrible, I felt so sorry for the people dealing with it. I didn't think it would be an issue for me.
March 12, a Utah Jazz player tested positive. The NBA was shut down. I couldn't believe it. This virus had only impacted a few people in the U.S. and now they were shutting down the NBA? I hoped it was overly cautious and that soon things would return to normal.
I had no idea.
Thursday seemed to be business as usual, but then more sports organizations were shutting down. The numbers started coming out for big cities and I was shocked.
I was planning to go into my office on Friday to do some meetings and things. Thursday afternoon, my office along with thousands of others, shut down. Everyone was told they'd be working from home until further notice.
They moved many universities to online instruction only.
They shut down church meetings for the foreseeable future.
In a period of 24 hours, our lives changed.
The news reports came out that people were going crazy at grocery stores, that places were out of toilet paper completely. I couldn't believe it.
The government said to not have gatherings of more than 100 people.
Friday I worked from home and we tried to figure out what would be normal. In the morning I decided to go to the temple and it was really wonderful. I really needed that time there. The second I walked into the front door, I got the breaking news alert that all LDS temples would be closed for proxy work until further notice. And then the government closed all public schools, moving them all online for at least a few weeks.
Saturday I had a baby shower that I was supposed to be throwing, and since there would only be like 6 of us, I decided to still throw it. It was for one of my BEST friends and it was such a good little get together. Just a few of us and some yummy food, lots of hand washing, gifts, and some fun chatting and a little bit of an escape.