7:51 AMWith busy season, we had to squeeze in as much celebration as we possibly could for Randy's birthday!
We spent the weekend before his birthday watching a movie he really wanted to see on Friday night. Then on Saturday, he had to go into the office for a few hours. Graham and I met him downtown and we grabbed some lunch, then were off to the aquarium! Graham had the BEST time and LOVED seeing the fish. He tried to grab them all and couldn't figure out why he couldn't get through the glass. He liked seeing the ducks and the seahorses, and of course, the sharks swimming all around him.
Randy and I had so much fun touching the fish and chatting, just relaxing together.
After the aquarium we took Graham home and went out on a date. We had seafood (only fitting after the aquarium) at the BESt place I've had seafood in SLC. Harbor Seafood and Steak was expensive but so insanely delicious. We ate dessert and had a great time talking about the past year, and about the future.
Sunday we got to spend time with Randy's family for his birthday which was such a blast. Graham was chasing his cousin Charlotte around and it was SO funny, I'll add it to the next YouTube video!
On Monday, Randy's actual birthday, he got to go kickbox and even got to teach a combo. We had breakfast, he went off to work and was there all day. We got lucky and got to go in for dinner and see him for a little while! Oh, the life of an accountant!
We had so much fun celebrating, and can't wait for the year ahead!