halloween festivities

10:10 AM

halloween has already come and gone! where does the time go??

friday my work had a huge halloween party, and everyone dressed up, and my dear friend Becky and I decorated our office space so it was spoooooky. it was a really fun day with some really great costumes.

This is a woman. My boss Sariah. In the scariest mask I have ever seen in my life.

then after work, Randy and I high tailed it to Provo for Halloweenie dinner courtesy of Heidi! We have done Halloweenie dinner for a few years now and it's so much fun. It's awesome to see my old roommates and our group of friends, dress up, and eat tasty food with a Halloween theme (like mummy dogs, spider cupcakes, etc.)

Randy and I were Lucy and Ricky from the 1950's show I Love Lucy. We had a BLAST and it was so fun to dress up! I ordered the costume online, Randy went and bought a bowtie from H and M and wore his suit, I got some red lips and then put my hair on sponge curlers, then pinned it up! Super easy but SUPER fun and I have to say, I think it was a hit!

then after Halloweenie dinner, we headed to Park City for a weekend at our friend's cabin! We met up with the crew in Park City and grabbed a few things from Wal-Mart, then it was a long caravan to the cabin in the woods. I felt a little crazy for going to a cabin in the middle of nowhere for Halloween weekend, but we didn't get murdered so it all worked out!

we snacked Friday night, played games and music, watched a scary movie (Randy and I were chickens and went to bed - HA) and had a blast. Then Saturday morning Randy and I went for a run (which proved to be CRAZY HARD. Nothing but hills, the altitude, and the cold! But it was SUPER pretty and a fun run).

Alexon our good friend cooked a big breakfast for everyone which was super awesome. He was the designated chef for the whole weekend, and let me tell you we all owe him! The food was SO good and we were so lucky he wanted to cook! Saturday was filled with more games and music, hiking, four wheeling, horse shoes, lots of chatting, and cooking.
We didn't have much cell service at the cabin, and it was so fun to just get to chat and hang out with all our closest friends. Alexon then KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK again with an amazing dinner (think shish kabobs and chicken and steak and potatoes and shrimp and DELICIOUSNESS)

Randy and Caleb and I then headed home, and I couldn't believe how sad we were to leave! we had a blast and we can't thank Sean enough for letting us all come, Alexon for cooking, and Caleb for getting the whole thing rolling!

Saturday night we popped to my parents house for pumpkin seeds and baseball and a few trick or treaters (Randy really wanted to pass out some candy and kids don't come to our complex!)

Sunday we headed to church, I taught and it was SO fun, then we went back to Kaysville for a fun dinner and dessert night with my family.

So all in all, it was a really awesome Halloween weekend, and now the holiday season is coming! It's a little stressful now that I have a full time job, and Randy has his crazy work schedule; figuring out when we will have time to do different holiday things is hard, but I can't wait!

happy Monday all, hope you had a happy Halloween!

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