News March 28, 2013

9:44 AM

New York Times Headline: Justices Cast Doubt on U.S. Law Defining Marriage

While no verdict has been made about the gay marriage cases being heard by the Supreme Court, many of the justices are unsure about the Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA, the law that doesn't allow gay couples to have federal benefits. Many of the justices are leaning towards letting individual states make the decisions. Hopefully an actual decision will be reached soon.

New York Times Headline: With Vouchers, States Shift Aid for Schools to Families

Lawmakers are discussing new ways to change the public education system. The ideas that are being tossed around now; giving the same amount of public money to education, but give it directly to the families, so parents can decide what school to send their children to. Some states are already trying similar techniques, and have reported success. 

Click here to read the full story. 

New York Times Headline: Damascus Students Killed in Mortar Strike

At least 12 students were killed at Damascus University when mortar shells were fired into the outdoor cafe. The government blames a main rebel fighting group for the attack, while the rebel group blamed back, saying the government may have done this to stir up anger against insurgents.

Click here to read the full story.

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