During The Hard Days
10:02 AMRandy and I had an absolutely INSANE last weekend. Friday morning we woke up to our fire sprinkler dripping, with water all over our apartment. I really can't get into, but let's just say it was a HUGE mess and we're still trying to get it all cleaned up and figured out.
That was just a day after Randy's car got hit in the parking lot at school. Someone CRUNCHED the hood and front of the car, and then drove away. It seriously made me lose a little bit of faith in humanity that someone could wreck our car that much, and then drive away. Leave a note people!
To cap it all off, after I'd tried to clean up our apartment a little bit on Friday, I went in for my last day of work at DrivingSales. It's hard to leave familiar things, but it was time for me to take another step in my career. My 10 months at DrivingSales were challenging and taught me a lot about myself. I will miss so many of the people I had the chance to work with there!
I started on Tuesday at a large software company called Micro Focus, and so far I'm having the time of my life here! I'm doing a lot of writing and web integration, and so far it's been a dream.
Friday night we headed right to Kaysville after a long day of me finishing up at DrivingSales, and us figuring out our apartment situation.
Luckily for us, we had a really fun Saturday planned! We went with my sister-in-law and her family to Willard Bay to go jet-skiing all day. It was a perfect way to take our mind off of all the drama! Randy was stellar at knee-boarding and got up on the wakeboard. I got up on the knee-board and we both had a blast playing with our niece and nephew, and driving the wave-runners around.
Saturday night we went to a wedding of one of our good high school friends, and had a blast seeing old friends.
Our Sunday was quiet as we headed back to Kaysville for more family time, and gearing up for Randy's finals week, and my first week at a new job!
We've had some hard things try and knock us down, but I'm so grateful for Randy who shows me how to see the good in everything, and who keeps me laughing. I don't know what I would do without him, or my family, who always help me relax and know that everything will be OK!