Celebrating 2 Year
10:06 AMRandy and I love celebrating, getting presents for each other, and writing sweet notes, and our 2nd anniversary was no exception.
We slept in a bit, and I walked out and saw this BEAUTIFUL present all ready for me outside. It was like Christmas! I have been wanting a felt board for a while (basic white girl) and am in love with the one Randy got. It matches our home perfectly and I love that it's different than most!
Randy opened a gift of new shoes to wear to school, and then headed off. I worked from home and had a million fires to put out, so I was pretty busy. I had to go into the office for some meetings but once I was done, Randy was home from school!
Randy opened his other gift which was a record player, and we had so much fun setting it up. We reminisced while he did homework and I worked, then we got all ready to go to dinner.
We went to Market Street Grill and had an absolute blast! Afterwards we went and shopped for records and books and Randy gave me a beautiful engraved necklace that has our wedding date on it.
It was a wonderful anniversary and I love celebrating our love!