The many outfits of Baby G

4:09 PM

I find most of the pictures on my phone are of baby G, and of me documenting all his cute clothes! #sorrynotsorry

We've had such a fun July filled with pioneer day breakfast, tons of cousin time (Ben and Kim and their family left today and we're going to miss them SO much!), many readings of Barnyard Dance (G's current favorite), playing outside when it's not too hot, getting a much better routine going, working and school for me and Randy, treat runs, baking, and a lot of fun.

I am so lucky to be working with Fawn and Foster right now—they are such an amazing company and 50% of their profit goes to helping foster children. Foster care has always had this special place in my heart and I'm not even sure why. I just know that there are so many children out there who deserve love and care, and aren't able to get it. My heart aches for those babies and I have so much love in my heart to give to them. So working with this company has been amazing, I love finding organizations who want to help others, especially kids.

PLUS their stuff is SO cute. Go check them out!


Being a mom feels hard, but I also feel so undeserving of how amazing and wonderful it is.

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