The Adventure

8:20 AM

Hi friends!

Holy cow life has been crazy lately.

No video patient! I have finals!

I've been studying and driving back and forth from Provo to Kaysville and studying and working and studying and not getting enough sleep.

But life is so very wonderful.

With the Christmas season and the busy season of finals and my last semester of school coming up and so many adventures ahead, I wanted to share a little something.

In all the craziness going on in my life right now, I've be reminded so many times of what's really important. And that's the Gospel. No matter what else is going on, the Gospel is the thing I can count on and I am so thankful for that.

Now...enjoy some pictures!

Not the best pictures but like I care. 
We went along with every mutual group in Utah to see the temple lights this week! So wonderful.

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