December in pictures

8:39 AM

Our December in pictures:

Graham wasn't feeling great early last week and was SO sad and clingy right before bed. Randy had his guitar out and G just started fussing and fussing, so Randy finally took him from me. G just sat on dad's lap, playing music with him and it was the sweetest thing.

We went and visited our old next-door neighbor and she got to meet G! It was SO good to see her and Graham loved her so much.

It's the little things like this that makes my whole heart happy.

We spent Friday at the Festival of Trees and had the best time! Lots of Peter Pan, unicorn, and Harry Potter trees this year. It's one of my favorite family traditions to go and it was amazing taking Graham with us!

One thing we didn't get a picture of was our family December service project. Every year Randy and I try to do some kind of service project to help at Christmas time. This year we worked with Christmas Box International to get toys to kids in Utah foster care. We were given two little boys to shop for (exactly Graham's age) and it was SO amazing to go out and buy their toys, then take them to a giant warehouse filled with other toys for these kids. I love being involved with these like this, especially at the holiday time. The Utah Department of Workforce Services Family and Child division always needs donations of diapers, wipes, binkys, formula, and more. Check it out to see if you can help! 

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