Feb 2 - Our Day

3:29 PM

See our full proposal story.

Randy and I have been together for so long, I feel like we have a million important days and times and places that are full of nostalgia. I swear I'm always remembering and posting about this or that day or time or place, reminding myself of all our past.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

One of my favorite things about Randy and my relationship is that we have so much past and history. I am so grateful the place where we danced the night away at our senior prom, is where we made it official and got engaged. I'm grateful we have the anniversary of when we started dating, mission goodbyes and hellos, our engagement, and our wedding.

We have so many pieces to our love and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Today, all I can think about is how grateful I am that we realized we couldn't live without each other, and that we decided to move forward with a love that we both believed in and knew we could make work.

Happy engage-aversary baby.

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