All the things
4:56 PMAgain, so sorry for not posting! I have lots of updating for let it begin!
My family had Spring Break last week, and let me tell you, it was so fun to get to hang out with them! They spent the night in Lehi so my sister could run in a track meet, and that meant Randy and I got to go to Thanksgiving Pointe with them! We always have way too much fun there.
We were meant to be an English family in the 1870's.
Say hello to my new office! I'm going to be a Digital Marketing Coordinator for Ken Garff corporate! This means I'll be doing lots of website design, programming, and updating, social media marketing, and some video production work. I'm so excited, and overwhelmed, and terrified, and happy!
It's not Easter without some eggs, right? Randy and I had too much fun dying eggs last weekend.

Easter/General Conference was just amazing. My awesome family threw us a grocery shower where we got some of our favorite foods, and pie. We got to hang out with all the people we love, watch Conference together, share our story, and get excited about getting married! HUGE shout out to my mom and sister who planned and pulled the whole thing off. We felt so incredibly loved.
Then came Easter Sunday which was just too wonderful. It started early with the traditional Stocking Exchange of candy (even including my brother and sister-in-law via facetime). My Easter basket was filled with candy, nail polish, and over a dozen candles for our wedding reception! Huzzah! The rest of the day was filled with inspiring words from the prophets, more family time, egg hunting, and some invitation stuffing. All in all, an amazing day.
Also, perks of my new job? 1.3 million dollar car. Pretty sweet!
Annnd this week marks the last week of being an anchor for BYU Eleven News and getting to work with these cool cats. I'm going to miss everyone SO much. They have become such a fun part of my week, and I have learned so much from everyone on the Monday crew. Love you all!
As Brother Curtis would say...."keep on, keeping on."
Also, today I got to go to lunch with Randy's AMAZING aunt Wendy. She's a total rockstar - the Low family has some complete gems in it!
Whew. Updated. Now let's just hope my life calms down so I have more time to post!