12:00 PMIt's 2014. How weird is that?? I remember last New Year's perfectly. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago.
So to celebrate the new year, here is a moment from each month of 2013. These will be good, promise:)
January I said goodbye to my best friend. It was a really hard month, but getting those first few letters was the best!
February was filled with school and an awesome Valentine's Day. The Robed Five made us girls feel so special!
March was filled with trips to the cabin, laughing, studying, and becoming best friends.
April was crazy with finals, saying goodbye to roommates and wardies, and finishing my first year of college!!
May had the best vacation ever with my girls, and moving back home, spending time with my family!
June was full of working, ballet recitals, and a flying trip to Idaho which was way too fun!
July was full of partying, working, and lots of mission farewells!
August I said goodbye to Cherry Hill, and Randy and I hit two years of dating!
September I started my second year at BYU, celebrated my 20th birthday, and said goodbye to Al.

October I made some amazing friends, said goodbye to Lau, got into my major, and worked on Student Alumni, plus got a job for BYU Radio.
November found me busy, busy, busy, with a little time at the end of the month for family and The Nutcracker!
And December was full of finals, Christmas, goodbyes and hellos, missing Randy, and lots of love.
Yeah it's safe to say that 2013 was really good to me. It was hard, stressful, and there were lots of tears. But there was also lots of fun, laughter, late night talks, and adventures. I wouldn't change a thing that happened this year. And I can't wait for the adventures 2014 will bring.
All I can say is...
Happy 2014 everyone!